Entrance to the New Texas Giant. |
After a two month investigation, the New Texas Giant hybrid coaster will reopen this weekend, September 14, 2013. Back in July, Six Flags Over Texas guest Rosa Esparza was thrown and killed from the ride due to her restraint being in an incorrect position. The victim's family is also suing Six Flags with the claim that the ride's safety system was defective, which attributed to her death.
Even though Six Flags has kept their mouth shut over the exact details of what happend, new claims from Esparza's attorney have shed light on the incident. After the first 16 story, 79 degree drop, Esparza's lap bar claimed to come up as the train crested the first (And very ejector-airtime heavy) "double up" track segment. This is where the train hurdles over a comparatively small hill at rapid speeds, which causes a "whipping" sensation that literally ejects every rider up and into their lap bar restraint.
Bottom of the first drop. |
Esparza slipped out at this time, still holding onto the lap bar. She was in an upside-down head down, legs up position. After the first 95 degree banked turn to the left, Esparza's grip slipped where she fell 75 feet down onto one of the metal tunnels that the train enters towards the end of the ride.
Old Restraints (Photo Taken May 2013) |
After a nearly 2 month investigation, Six Flags Over Texas is ready to open the ride back up with added safety features. A new form-fitting lap bar will be installed from the train's manufacturer Gerstlauer (It is worth noting that the designer of the trains is different from the manufacturer of the actual ride, which is Rocky Mountain Construction) and a seat belt that wraps around the waist will be added. A test seat will also be located at the entrance of the ride so riders will know whether they fit on the ride before they get in line.
Theme Park Overload will be visiting Six Flags Over Texas on September 21 of this month to check out the new Fright Fest mazes at the park, and also all the new safety components added to the New Texas Giant. Make sure to follow us on Facebook to be notified of that article, along with many other quality news articles on the amusement park industry!
www.Facebook.com/ThemeParkOverload My name's Nicholous, and Thanks for Reading!